McCullough, L. & Andrews, S. (2001). Assimilative Integration: Short-term dynamic psychotherapy for treating affect phobias, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 8, 82-97.

McCullough, L., Larsen, A., Schanche, E., Andrews, S., Kuhn, N. (2002). Assimilation of therapeutic objectives (ATOS) Scale. Unpublished manuscript, the Psychotherapy Research Program at Harvard Medical School.

McCullough, L., Kuhn, N., Andrews, S., Kaplan, A., Wolf, J. & Hurley, C. (2003). Treating affect phobia: A treatment manual for short-term dynamic psychotherapy. New York: Guilford Publications.

McCullough, L., Kuhn, N., Andrews, S., Valen, J., Hatch, D., Osimo, F. (2003). The reliability of the achievement of therapeutic objectives scale (ATOS): A research and teaching tool for psychotherapy. Journal of Brief Therapy, 2, 75-90.

Andrews, J.S. (2006). Critical junctures in early marriage. Dissertation Abstracts International (UMI No. 3249867).

McCullough, L., Andrews, S., Schlager-Andrews, E., (2009). Freud and Skinner Join Forces: Changing Affects and Behavior in Psychotherapy. Unpublished Manuscript, the Psychotherapy Research Program at Harvard Medical School.

McCullough, L., Valen, J., Andrews, S., Schlager, E., Johansen, P., Svartberg, M., & Stiles, T., (2008). The Affect Phobia Treatment Model and Two Paths of the Dodo Bird: How Activating and Inhibitory Affects Offer New Pathways For Change. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Schlager Andrews, E. (2013). Resiliency and vulnerability to post-partum depression in acculturating new mothers. Dissertation Abstracts International (UMI No. 3601168).


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